(English translation of these Terms and Conditions follows under the Japanese Terms and Conditions)
1. 本競売に初めて参加する方は、入札の際に本人確認書類(本人の写真が添付された官公署が発行したもの(免許証、在留カード、身体障害者手帳等)の場合は1点、顔写真がないもの(健康保険の被保険者証、年金手帳、介護保険被保険者証等)の場合は2点)の提示、または提出が必要となります。マイナンバー記載のものはお受けできません。
2. 泰星コイン株式会社(以下「当社」という)のオークションカタログに記載された競売品は、特に記述された品を除き、すべて真正品であることを保証します。
3. それぞれの競売品に記載されている価格は、競売に応じ得る最低価格です。最高入札価格で入札された方が2番手の1刻み上の価格で落札となります。もし同額で複数の入札があった場合は、先着の方に優先権があります。公開オークションの場合、会場にてオークショニアがコールした金額が落札価格となります。競売人の裁量によって開始価格や競り上げる値幅が決定されます。
4. それぞれの競売品において最高入札者を落札者とします。尚、競売に参加している全ての関係者は競売人の裁定に従わなければなりません。
5. お客様がFAX、郵便、店頭での書面及びメールにて当社に事前入札を依頼された場合、当社は合理的な努力を尽くして当該入札を実施するものとします。ただし、オークション毎に定められた時間前までに当社が当該依頼を受領することを条件とします。委託入札は、売却時のその他の業務との兼ね合いで実施されるものであり、オークションの状況によってはお客様の希望通りに入札を履行できない恐れもあります。事前入札は、所定の条件で買受希望者に提供される無償サービスです。事前入札を履行できなかった場合における責任について、当社は一切の責任を負いません。
6. 当社は、お客様の便宜を考慮して、リアルタイムで入札状況を確認し、入札することが出来るインターネット入札サービスを提供させていただいております。インターネット入札はhttps://auctions.taiseicoins.com/にて登録することでご利用いただけます。その際ログイン情報としてお客様の「氏名」「住所」「電話番号」「メールアドレス」「パスワード」等を登録させていただきます。ここで登録された個人情報はオークションシステムへのログインや商品発送、商品のご案内及び販促の目的にのみ利用させていただきます。尚、登録の情報について、明らかな誤記等合理的であると認められる範囲内において当該情報を修正する場合がございます。
次の各号に起因する障害または不履行を含む(これらに限定されません)、オンライン入札の障害または不履行について、当社は一切の責任を負いません。 (1) 何らかの理由による一方当事者のインターネット接続の切断、(2) オンライン入札ソフトウェアの故障または不具合および/または、(3)お客様のインターネット接続、コンピュータまたはシステムの故障または不具合。
7. 落札者は、落札価格に対して10%(公開オークションの場合のみ15%)の手数料と手数料にかかる消費税及び送料を加算の上、当社にお支払下さい。
8. 落札者が支払い期間内に全額決済されない時は、現行金利を上乗せして再度ご請求いたします。再請求後もお支払が無い場合は、売買契約を解除し、今後当該落札者に対して一切のお取引に応じないものといたします。尚、お客様都合でのやむを得ぬキャンセルにつきましては売買契約キャンセル料として合理的な費用(落札決定額の10%(但し、100,000円以下の場合は一律10,000円)、経費、損害賠償金、弁護士費用、売却等に関連するあらゆる種類の費用および手数料を含みます)を申し受けます。
9. 落札決定により出品者と落札者の間で売買契約が成立いたします。従って下見の有無にかかわらず返品は認められません。これは事前入札による落札者も同様となります。
10. 過去に当社とのお取引がない方、面識のない方、その他競売人が必要と認めた場合、競売以前にご本人確認のため身分証明書、資産証明書の提示、または50万円を上限とする入札保証金を要求する場合がございます。落札されなかった場合、保証金は全てご返却いたします。
11. 引渡し前の落札品は当社の運送保険を付保するものとします。尚、保管中に自然災害またはお客様のご登録された情報の瑕疵に由来する事由による紛失・破損・滅失等の場合は免責とし、当社は一切の責任を負いません。
12. 落札品の引渡しにおいて、お客様ご指定の住所へ配送をご希望される場合、送料を別途ご請求いたします。当社より落札者へ落札品を配送する際は当社の運送保険を付保するものとしますが自然災害の事由による紛失・破損・滅失等の場合は免責とし、当社は一切の責任を負いません。
13. 海外からの送金、支払いの場合は関税、直接税、銀行への振込手数料は落札者が負担するものとします。国・地域によっては発送が難しい場合がございますので、その場合、予め当社にご相談いただくか、落札後に当社よりご案内させていただき、発送方法及び料金等についてご相談させていただきます。その際は通常とは異なる費用が発生する場合がございますが、予めご了承ください。
14. 当社は、以下の事由に該当する者に対し、一切の取引に応じないものとします。
15. 競売に関する規程ならびに条件に関する事項は、すべて日本国法を適用するものとし、本規約に定めのない事項についても日本国法を適用するものとします。
16. 郵便、ファックスあるいはメールにて入札される方は、当社の顧客リストにご登録させていただきます。
Regulations Related to Auctions, and Conditions
This agreement is prepared in Japanese and English. In the event of any discrepancy between either versions the Japanese version shall prevail.
Those who participate in auctions held by Taisei Coins Corporation are deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions defined in the "Auction Regulations and Conditions" below.
Personal information will be handled in accordance with the "Personal Information Protection Regulations" which can be found on our website. (https://www.taiseicoins.com)
1. Proof of identity is required to participate in bidding. Please submit a government issued identification that includes a photograph (for example, driver's license, passport, etc.). If it is not possible to provide an identification with a photograph, two separate identifications will be required (e.g. health insurance card, pension book, long-term care insurance card, etc.). Identification that includes the Individual Number issued by the Japanese government (known as My Number Card in Japan) will not be accepted.
2. Except for items that have been particularly stated, the auction items stated in the auction catalog of Taisei Coins Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) are all guaranteed as genuine items.
・The Company will not bear liability based on the condition of items for which successful bids were made that were appraised by a third-party appraisal company (including but not limited to PCGS, NGC, ANACS, ICG, PMG, and WBG).
・The details (name of creator, place of production, date of production, number of years, measurements, raw materials, attribution, authenticity, history, condition, or estimated successful bid price, etc.) of lots that are described by the Company, irrespective of whether the description is oral or written, merely indicate the Company’s opinions, and they are not information that can be relied upon as definitive statements of facts. Illustrations that are posted in the catalog or on the website are merely for the purpose of having people use them as reference materials, and they do not accurately represent the colors or tones of products put up for auction. It is not possible to refuse a respective lot because its depiction differs from the actual item or because of a postmark, centerline, margin, perforation line, or other characteristic that can be clearly recognized in an illustration in the catalog or on the website. An estimated successful bid price is not something that can be relied on as information that accurately represents the actual successful bid amount for a lot or the value of a lot for another purpose.
・There are many products put up for auction for which it is not possible to perfectly stipulate the condition because of the number of years or characteristics, and in some cases, the description or explanation in the catalog or written report of condition states reference matters related to damage and/or replication. The Company provides such information as reference information, and it does not imply that there are no defects or restoration in a product put up for auction if there are no such statements, or that there are no other defects in a product put up for auction if there is a statement related to a specific defect.
・Excluding matters stipulated in the same clause, unless there has been a fraudulent action, neither the seller nor the Company or their respective employees or representatives will bear any liability whatsoever for the accuracy of statements related to a lot’s name of creator, place of production, date of production, number of years, attribution, authenticity, or history, errors in other stated matters, or defects or flaws in a lot. All of the interested parties are to independently exercise judgment for the relevant matters and rely on that.
3. The bidder with the highest bid will pay an amount equal to the second highest bid plus the increment. Please refer to the increment table for the auction. In the case there is no second bid the bidder shall pay the starting amount. If there are multiple bids of the same price, first-come, first-served will apply. To clarify, the bidder that placed the bid first has priority despite whether others have bid the exact same price. In the case of the live auction, the auctioneer will determine the winning price on site.
4. For each auction item, the highest bidder will be the successful bidder. In the event that a dispute has arisen between bidders during an auction, the auctioneer will handle and resolve it based on his or her discretion, and all of the related parties participating in the auction must follow the decisions of the auctioneer.
5. We shall make reasonable efforts to include bids made via fax, email or through our retail shop. Provided, however, that the condition is that the Company receives the relevant request before the time stipulated for each auction. Delegated bidding will be conducted with a balance with other work at the time of the sale, and depending on the auction situation, there is a chance that a bid cannot be performed according to the customer’s wishes. Advance bidding is a free service that is provided people who want to make a purchase under the prescribed conditions. The Company will not bear any liability whatsoever in the event that advance bidding could not be performed. Accordingly, if you want to make a reliable bid, we recommend that you actually attend the auction.
6. Our company provides an online auction service where customers can place and confirm bids in real-time via the Internet. Prior registration is required to place bids in an online auction at https://auctions.taiseicoins.com/. In order to place online bids you must register your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and password (in the case you only want to view an auction and not participate in bidding you do not need to provide your mailing address or telephone number). The personal information is used only for logging into the online auction system, to ship auction catalogs, purchased items, and product promotion material. Note that we may edit personal data in cases where obvious mistakes have been made (e.g. first name and last name are registered in the wrong order, etc.). Your personal data will be managed in compliance with Japanese, European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and US law. For details on the applicable privacy policy and or laws please visit our website.
The Company will not bear any liability whatsoever with inconveniences or trouble of online bids, including, but not limited to, any of the following reasons:
Internet disconnection of any of the parties involved
Trouble or problems related to the online bidding software
Trouble or problems related to the customer's Internet connection, computer or system required to successfully make an online bid
Since the online auction system is provided as a free service and is integrated with other systems the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever for inconveniences or trouble related to online bidding activities. If any provision of this Agreement explicitly contradicts the Data Protection Act, the contradictory provision of the Data Protection Act shall precede.
Company shall not be responsible for the following customer actions using the online bidding service; (1) changes to the bid lot, (2) changes to the bid price (3) canceling bids.
7. We will have a successful bidder pay a service charge of 10% (in the case of the live auction 15%) of the successful bid price (tax will be changed according to its tax law of the buyer’s place) and handling fee (including shipping cost and insurance) for the service charge. Payment for successful item need to be conducted by Japanese currency; Yen, and will be paid to the Company within seven business working days after the invoice arrival. (Japanese national holiday to be excluded.) The invoice can be in any format. The Company will not hand over products until the successful bidder has settled the entire amount with no exceptions for any lot.
Only the following payment methods are accepted. Payment not listed below will not be accepted.
Payment via the post office or convenience store (fees borne by Taisei Coins):A custom payment slip titled, the "Successful Bid Notice and Payment Slip," will be mailed directly to the customers in Japan only. Payment slips will not be sent to addresses outside of Japan.
Payment via bank wire transfer (fees borne by the customer):Please wire the payment the to the bank account specified on the successful bid notification.
Cash payment:Cash payments can only be accepted at the retail shop of Taisei Coins and is limited to 2 million Yen, including tax.
- In compliance with the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, Taisei Coins will only accept wire payments from accounts that have the following names on the accounts. Taisei will not accept payments from accounts from other names specified on the account.
1. When wiring funds, the name on the account must match the successful bidder's name.
2. An immediate family member of the successful bidder and has contacted Taisei Coins prior to payment.
3. A corporation name that the successful bidder has a majority ownership of.
If you are an immediate family member of the successful bidder or are wiring funds from a corporation that the successful bidder has majority ownership of, please provide documentation that shows your relationship with the successful bidder.
If you wish to pick up the item at the store, please call our office within 7 business days after receiving the successful bid notification before coming to the store. If we do not receive notification in advance, there is a possibility we may not be able to deliver it.
If you have already paid for the product but have not picked it up 7 days after payment has been made, we will automatically ship the product cash on delivery (COD).
Proof of identification (photo ID like a driver license or passport) are required when picking up items from the store. If the total payment amount exceeds 2,000,000 Yen (including tax), we can only accept bank transfer to our designated bank account. Cash payments are only accepted for purchases of 2,000,000 Yen or less (including tax).
For any lot, in the event that the customer concluded an individual sales agreement with the seller within sixty days after the auction was conducted, the Company will, as the seller’s exclusive representative, bill the customer for the bidder service charge that will be applied based on this agreement and will have the right to bill the seller for a service charge based on the conditions of an agreement with the seller.
8. When the successful bidder does not settle the entire amount within the payment period, we will add the current interest rate and then bill him or her again. In the event that payment is not made even after a second billing, we will cancel the sales agreement and will not handle any transactions with that successful bidder in the future. Please note that we will charge rational expenses (including 10% of the determined amount for the successful bid ( Minimum 10,000JPY), costs, damage compensation payments, attorney expenses, all types of expenses related to selling, and service charges) as a sales agreement cancellation charge for cancellation due to the customer’s unavoidable circumstances. The Company will also take other precautions that are deemed appropriate.
9. A sales agreement will be established between the seller and the successful bidder based on the successful bid determination at the venue. Accordingly, returns will not be allowed, irrespective of whether or not there was preliminary inspection. The same will apply for a successful bidder who conducted advance bidding. Provided, however, that when an unexpected reason arose during the appraisal of authenticity of clause 1, an exception will be allowed, limited to the successful bidder. In such a case, please send the item back to the Company within one week after receiving the product for which a successful bid was made, on the condition that it is completely in the same state as when it was delivered. After we confirm the product, we will return to the successful bidder the sale price and service charge that were already received. Provided, however, that the Company will not bear any other obligations whatsoever, and it will not pay interest or damage compensation. Please note that the successful bidder will bear costs such as postage for returns.
We cannot handle returns for the reasons listed below:
・All appraisal results conducted by other companies such as PCGS or NGC for coins in resin cases
・Items that have specially stated matters such as “No returns”
・When payment was made after the prescribed deadline passed
・After settlement to the seller has been completed
・When the reason for return lacks justification to the extent that the Company cannot agree to it
10. People who have not conducted transactions with the Company in the past, people who are unfamiliar, or people in other cases in which the auctioneer has recognized that it is necessary may be asked to present a form of personal identification or an asset certificate in order to confirm their identity before the auction or to make a bid guarantee payment of a maximum of JPY 500,000. If a successful bid was not made, we will return the entire guarantee payment on the same day. In addition, registration or entrance into an auction venue by a person who wants to be registered may be refused, based on the Company’s judgment and without stating the reason.
11. An item for which a successful bid was made will be covered by the Company’s transportation insurance before handover. Cases of loss, damage, or destruction caused by a natural disaster during storage or for an error in the customer’s registered information will be exempt, and the Company will not bear any liability whatsoever.
12. In the event that a customer wants handover of an item for which a successful bid was made to be done by mail to the designated address, we will charge separately for postage. When an item for which a successful bid was made is sent to the successful bidder by mail, the Company will cover it with the Company’s transportation insurance, but cases of loss, damage, or destruction because of a natural disaster will be exempt, and the Company will not bear any liability whatsoever.
13. In the case of remittance or payment from a foreign country, the successful bidder will bear customs duties, direct taxes, and transfer service charges to the bank. Laws or restrictions makes it difficult to ship to certain countries or regions. In such a case please consult with us prior to the auction. In the case the auction has already taken place we will consult with you on the shipping costs and methods. Should that happen please note that additional costs may occur. We may refuse shipping based on the situation in the country to which shipping is to be made.
The bidder will, at his or her own liability, confirm the import duties for importing into the place of final delivery an item for which a successful bid was made. The Company will not accept any returns of packaged items for the purpose of avoiding the relevant taxes. The bidder will also be liable for confirming customs’ import regulations that prohibit the import of specific collectibles. The Company will not accept any returns on items for which successful bids were made in such situations. The Company will not bear liability in the event that an item for which a successful bid was made was confiscated or destroyed at customs. In the event that a bidder wants delivery of an item for which a successful bid was made to an address other than the address stated in the invoice, it will be conducted based on the Company’s discretion.
14. The Company shall not accept, process, or handle transactions in any way with persons or entities that are categorized under the following conditions:
(1) Organized crime syndicates, members of organized crime, associates affiliated with organized crime, former organized crime members who left the organization less than five years ago, corporations directly involved with organized crime, persons or organizations that use illegal, fraudulent and unjust methods such as extortion, racketeering, blackmail, money laundering, violent acts or similar threatening actions (hereinafter referred to as "Anti-Social Forces" as defined under Japanese law).
(2) Members of, or persons affiliated with Anti-Social Forces who participate in the auction.
(3) Corporations who have board members that belong to Anti-Social Forces.
(4) Persons who threaten, use violence, or take violent action against the Company, or its employees.
(5) Persons who misrepresent, falsify, deceit, or use counterfeiting methods to intentionally damage the credibility of the Company or the business of the Company.
(6) Persons who do not comply with the rules set by the Company including, but not limited to, the auction rules.
15. Japanese laws will apply to all matters related to regulations for auctions and to conditions, and Japanese laws will also apply to matters that are not stipulated in this agreement.
16. All bids received by mail, fax or email, will be registered in the Company customer list and in our wholly owned subsidiary, Taisei Coins Corporation.
※Auction Sale conducted according to the I.A.P.N.( International Association of Professional Numismatists) rules.
Taisei Coins Corporation
(Return / Cancellation Policy)
・ Regardless whether the customer previewed the item(s) or not, Taisei Coins will not accept returns or cancellations based on improper or unreasonable demands by the customer. If the customer must cancel due to unavoidable circumstances, 10% of the bid amount will be charged as a cancellation fee (minimum 10,000 Yen if the bid amount is 100,000 Yen or less). In the case a refund takes place, the customer is responsible for bank transfer fees, shipping costs, and other applicable fees. Funds will be refunded to the customer’s bank account once the item(s) has/have been returned to Taisei Coins. Furthermore, Taisei Coins reserves the right to refuse any future bids from the customer.
・As an exception, if there is a dispute regarding authenticity per the conditions of paragraph 1 of the Bidding Agreement, and the customer contacts Taisei Coins via telephone or email within one week of receiving the item and the item(s) remain to be in the exact same condition when delivered to the customer, in such a case, Taisei Coins will bear the bank transfer fee, shipping costs, and other applicable fees when refunding the customer. The customer's designated bank account will be refunded once Taisei Coins has verified the condition of the item(s).
・ We cannot accept returns or cancellations in the following cases.
- The item is graded at the customer's request but the customer is dissatisfied with the grading results from PCGS, NGS, or other such grading companies.
- Items marked with special notes like "No Return".
- When the payment is past due.
- For reasons that are deemed improper, unreasonable, invalid, etc.
- If appraised or altered by a third party.
- More than a week has passed after the customer has received the item(s).